Advisor Advanced is a leading intrusion platform, present in over 30 countries throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa. It provides a perfect answer to applications ranging from small businesses and shops to higher security required applications.
This successful platform has now been extended to a fully Integrated security system with Access Control, Management Software and UltraSync services, providing our customers with a best-in-class security solution.
Advisor Advanced provides a perfect answer to applications ranging from small businesses and shops to higher security required applications requiring EN grade 3.
Advisor Advanced can be expanded with more comprehensive access control functionalities using the complete backwards compatible door controller, ATS125x. A straightforward and easy-door-concept that enables customers to manage and monitor door configurations through one menu tree. Schedules and calendars can be directly assigned to areas/doors and door groups. Full access control scales up to 48 intelligent doors using 4-door controllers that can have Anti-Passback between these doors.
The Advisor Configurator (ATS85xx) is designed to remotely configure, diagnose and interact with all enabled Advisor Advanced and Advisor Master panels in the field. Imagine the efficiency that can be achieved when 50+ operators can connect to over 100 panels simultaneously using a shared database with over 250K panels. Advisor Configurator provides monitoring stations with a powerful management tool to get closer to customers, which helps to provide a better service, such as remote FW upgrades.
Advisor Advanced is fully compatible with the new Advisor Management software (ATS8600), making the integration complete.
Connecting Advisor Advanced with UltraSync, will provide installers, distributors and monitoring stations with a state-of-the-art service platform to their customers for greater service and efficient support.